Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Rabbits Point of Veiw: After i went into my portal i landed in a vast open area. I was sitting on something soft i looked around, it was amazing there was no pollution anywhere. then i saw a cute fluffy thing next to me, it was like a mountain to me. i was terrified, i ran and ran and ran still i was being chased. i had never been chased since i was a baby wabbit playing tag. i was running surprisingly fast, for a wabbit maby it was this place that im in, i must weigh nothing. Then i see a big red thing, i run underneath it and hide behind a big peice of what was like wood in the tales my mum told me, wood is extinc on my planet because of the pollution. i was running in somthing yellow then i see a button. it was a miracle, it was some sort of music i started to dance on another fluffy surface. then i see the black thing i seemed to fall through the fluff and pop out in another place i started to run around and circles. it mst be a game, so i keep running the black thing decided to go and sit on a fluffy thing called a couch (so it was in the tales) i started dancing in front of it. it stopped playing the game 😡. i went to a small round thing with hot stuff in it, i knocked it over. then the the black thing came over it hid. this must be a game. then i ran, around and around and around then pop i was back home, the portal had run out of batteriess
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Duck Point of veiw: One day i was swimming in the lake and i see a tasty snack in a kids hand. i go up to him and ask: "Can i have ur snack". He gives it too me i ask for some more. He walks away, so i follow him and i ask: "Do you whan to play" Then he throws the stick at me, i go fetch it. I bring it back to him. He was so grateful, so he throws the stick into a sheep paddock. I Get the stick and come back to him but he ran away so i follow him to a water wheel and he put me in the river and starts the water wheel and i get washed away then the boy falls into the river and he cant swim but i can boy starts to drown so i save him, by pshing him out of the river. He was so grate full. but he escapes in a hole in the page and he tapes it up. i could not play with him. so i just climb over and follow him to a resurunt where they eat duck. then the cook attacks me and next minute im being plucked but i escape the boook with the kid into a fake world.
Monday, 4 May 2020
Beach Results

We had to dig a ditch just mefore the damn to slow the water down.
It was scary standing on it becuase it could breack at any second. The old one was safer becuse it was on a flat surface and the new one was not as safe becase it was on the edge of a waterfall
Chapter 9 Flight! The White Stag
In this chapter the companions are going to prayers peak to get a good veiw of the land but Sturm reackons he saw a white stag so they follow its tracks. Only Sturm can see the tracks, some of them think it is becuase he has a head injury or it could be a spirit. it takes them through a passage wich seems to close behind them and it is a safe passage and there are no lisard things on it.
They get to the front of darken wood when clint started to complain because he was to old.
(12) The genre of this book is fantasy because there are creatures like elves and dwarfs, other books that i have read are Lord Of The Rings and Hobbit are also fantasy. a fantasy genre is set in a made up world with fantastacal beings like elves, wizards ect also there is madjic
(22) If i could choose a friend from the story it wold be flint, he complains a lot (like me) he is a dwarf wich i think is cool and he is old he knows lots of things because he is old 😑. He is also a blacksmith which is useful for foargeing weapons andarmorr
In this chapter the companions are going to prayers peak to get a good veiw of the land but Sturm reackons he saw a white stag so they follow its tracks. Only Sturm can see the tracks, some of them think it is becuase he has a head injury or it could be a spirit. it takes them through a passage wich seems to close behind them and it is a safe passage and there are no lisard things on it.
They get to the front of darken wood when clint started to complain because he was to old.
(12) The genre of this book is fantasy because there are creatures like elves and dwarfs, other books that i have read are Lord Of The Rings and Hobbit are also fantasy. a fantasy genre is set in a made up world with fantastacal beings like elves, wizards ect also there is madjic
(22) If i could choose a friend from the story it wold be flint, he complains a lot (like me) he is a dwarf wich i think is cool and he is old he knows lots of things because he is old 😑. He is also a blacksmith which is useful for foargeing weapons andarmorr
Duck Point of veiw: One day i was swimming in the lake and i see a tasty snack in a humans hand. i go up to him and ask: "Can i have ur snack". He gives it too me i ask for some more. He walks away, so i follow him and i ask: "Do you whan to play" Then he throw stick at me, i go fetch. I bring the humans stick back to him. He grateful, so he throw stick into sheep. I Get stick and come back to him he run away and i follow human to a water wheel and he put me in river and starts the thing and i get washed away then boy drowns and i save him. now he grate full. but he escapes in a hole in the page and he tapes it up. i could not play with human. so i just climb over and follow him to a food place where they eat duck. then lady attacks me and i is being plucked but i escape the boook with human to to a fake world.
Friday, 1 May 2020
Chapter 1The Ghost Jasper O'leary
In a small junk yard there was a grave, in the grave there was a fridge. In the fridge there was a small boy called Jasper. Jasper died Trying to eat an oil tanker. About 26 years later, there was a small house built on top of the junkyard and four people lived in this house. There was a short, fat guy who was called dad and another short fat woman who was called mum, and two little twerps called Billy and Bob. Billy was 8 years older than Bob. Billy was 10 and Bob was 2. Bob was tricksy even though he was a baby. The fat guy dad did not take much notice of Billy, they had no love left for billy. If Bob makes a mess, dad will blame Billy; because how could a baby eat all the ice cream and how could the baby get daddys secret rifle and blow a hole through the kitchen sink and Billy will get into trouble for anything the baby does.
Billy very dislikes Bob, Bob's first three words were “Billy did it” and Billy did not do it. Bob never gets caught, he's like a snake he can hide anywhere. Once Billy saw Bob drawing inappropriate things on dad's car and Billy snitched but when Bob was not there by the car but in his crib, Guess who got the blame Billy.
Anyway one day Billy was finishing his icecream and his parents came in and started screaming at him “You ate my cheese burger!” Said his mother. “You fat pig” said his father. “There's none left” said his mother screeching at him. “I Didn’t!” said billy. Bob was smirking at him. So that night the family got takeaways without poor billy. Then he heard slurping in the basement, He went down to his room in the basement. It was quite peaceful down there except there was an old rusty fridge that was rusted shut. He could not open it, it smelt like rotten flesh, or something rotten. He saw lots of cans next to the fridge he tried to open the fridge, It wouldn't budge he heard footsteps upstairs and he froze. If his family were at KFC then who's upstairs, “surely they didn’t leave the baby at home” he mutters to himself. He slowly walked up the stairs and grabbed a plastic sword from the cupboard in which his mother had put all the stuff that she had taken off billy. He walked slowly towards the baby's room and opened the door.
The place was trashed and there was stuff everywhere and there was a bit taken out of Bob's teddy. Then Billy heard noises from down stairs. He walked down the stairs cautiously and saw an almost see through child about billy's age eating all of the junk food. It didn’t see him but just kept going, then the child walked to the darkest corner of the room and sat there eating. Then Billy knew what was happening but still not quite sure. He got all the stuff he could gather and put it in a pile. The ghost saw the pile and stretched its huge mouth and then he screamed. Billy who had heard a story about “Junk food ghosts” knew that salad would make them explode. So he secretly put salad in the pile of junk and the ghost ate the whole lot. Then BOOOOM! It exploded and left Billy in a big mess of junk. Guess who got the blame...
The End
In a small junk yard there was a grave, in the grave there was a fridge. In the fridge there was a small boy called Jasper. Jasper died Trying to eat an oil tanker. About 26 years later, there was a small house built on top of the junkyard and four people lived in this house. There was a short, fat guy who was called dad and another short fat woman who was called mum, and two little twerps called Billy and Bob. Billy was 8 years older than Bob. Billy was 10 and Bob was 2. Bob was tricksy even though he was a baby. The fat guy dad did not take much notice of Billy, they had no love left for billy. If Bob makes a mess, dad will blame Billy; because how could a baby eat all the ice cream and how could the baby get daddys secret rifle and blow a hole through the kitchen sink and Billy will get into trouble for anything the baby does.
Billy very dislikes Bob, Bob's first three words were “Billy did it” and Billy did not do it. Bob never gets caught, he's like a snake he can hide anywhere. Once Billy saw Bob drawing inappropriate things on dad's car and Billy snitched but when Bob was not there by the car but in his crib, Guess who got the blame Billy.
Anyway one day Billy was finishing his icecream and his parents came in and started screaming at him “You ate my cheese burger!” Said his mother. “You fat pig” said his father. “There's none left” said his mother screeching at him. “I Didn’t!” said billy. Bob was smirking at him. So that night the family got takeaways without poor billy. Then he heard slurping in the basement, He went down to his room in the basement. It was quite peaceful down there except there was an old rusty fridge that was rusted shut. He could not open it, it smelt like rotten flesh, or something rotten. He saw lots of cans next to the fridge he tried to open the fridge, It wouldn't budge he heard footsteps upstairs and he froze. If his family were at KFC then who's upstairs, “surely they didn’t leave the baby at home” he mutters to himself. He slowly walked up the stairs and grabbed a plastic sword from the cupboard in which his mother had put all the stuff that she had taken off billy. He walked slowly towards the baby's room and opened the door.
The place was trashed and there was stuff everywhere and there was a bit taken out of Bob's teddy. Then Billy heard noises from down stairs. He walked down the stairs cautiously and saw an almost see through child about billy's age eating all of the junk food. It didn’t see him but just kept going, then the child walked to the darkest corner of the room and sat there eating. Then Billy knew what was happening but still not quite sure. He got all the stuff he could gather and put it in a pile. The ghost saw the pile and stretched its huge mouth and then he screamed. Billy who had heard a story about “Junk food ghosts” knew that salad would make them explode. So he secretly put salad in the pile of junk and the ghost ate the whole lot. Then BOOOOM! It exploded and left Billy in a big mess of junk. Guess who got the blame...
The End
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