During this holiday i built a damn and it was amazing, it actully made the river bigger and slower so we made another damn and we are still waiting for results. it is pretty cool how our first one worked. it filterd out the things floating on top it was like a filter it was also slowing the water flow jst like the 2nd one. When we went back our 1st damn to see results after heavy rain, the water had gone around it and some over it. the second damn was harder to build because the water was flowing faster because it was going down hill and it was pushed together.

When its pushed together it goes faster so it was harder to make a damn in a

More narrow river so it kept falling down.
We had to dig a ditch just mefore the damn to slow the water down.
It was scary standing on it becuase it could breack at any second. The old one was safer becuse it was on a flat surface and the new one was not as safe becase it was on the edge of a waterfall
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