Quinn Williams • CATS!!! • June 2, 2020
Artists impression
FROM COVID19. Secret Sanitiser a new
hero rises up to help people sanitise
their hands while they sleep! Who knew
that stealth could be so useful to help
stop a virus! The secret sanitiser has only
been seen once, the witness said he was
kinda tall hard to see and was black everywhere. They tried to get a picture but he was gone in seconds. An artist tried to draw a picture of him. You will see on the left. At first, the witness thought it was a robber but found out the next day who it was. If you are
wondering about how they found out who saved the world from COVID the police saw something go into someone's house and sanitise their hands. They tracked the hero to a secret lair high in the hills
Where they found him, Secret Sanitiser. He was seen making his own sanitised, the police went to the front door and asked who he was.
So that's how we found out who saved the world from COVID, so the news broke out that a “Secret Hero Saves World” from COVID. Secret Sanitiser will go down in history. After the police found Secret Sanitiser’s hideout it was abandoned and there is no trace of Secret Sanitiser, maybe it was a lie.
Carnivores Cat Eats Human, Dog and 7 Birds!?!?!
Did you know cats will eat humans if tempered? Well they do, Mr Snugs a 4-year-old cat ate their owner Bob because Bob was trying to cuddle him.
This man-eating cat is still on the loose if seen report to the authorities immediately and run, it seems the killer cat known as Mr Snugs likes the taste of humans, so watch out! Someone called Jeff reported that he saw a cat rip his dog into two pieces and eat it before jeff got
Out there with his shotgun and scared it off. If you see this killer cat run, just run. It will rip you to pieces!
Picture Of Killer Cat
Pixie-Paper LockDown Report
Three people who were in lockdown got interviewed to see how their lockdown was
And all three of the people said “Stressful” and it was Stressful. Barbara the first one we interviewed had 6 Children! Imagine that! Bob and his wife Reek Had a huge farm to deal with and no power. The third was Mr Pix, he is a worker at the warehouse and he had to work all the time all through lockdown.
Pixie-Paper Special
Quinn Williams a New Zealand Reporter interviewed three of the witnesses and found out why secret sanitiser was sanitising peoples hands. It was to destroy COVID because it killed his Grandma Plop.
Quinn Williams Pixie-Paper Reporter
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